Friday 10 March 2017

Happy Holi Poster | Colourful Splashes | How to Draw Happy Holi Poster f...

Hello Everyone,

Holi is a Hindu spring festival in India and Nepal, also known as the "festival of colours" or the "festival of love". The festival falls on the last full moon day of Falgun according to Hindu calendar. Be it Lathmaar Holi in Barsana, the warrior Holi in Punjab, the Dol jatra in West Bengal and the Yaosang in Manipur — the festival is celebrated differently in different parts of India

As indicated by mythology, the celebration is praises the executing Holika, the sister of Hrinyakashyap. The celebration additionally holds importance regarding end of winter season and the onset of summer season. There is no complete information to know the roots of the celebration.
In any case, Holi as we see it today is accepted to have started in Bengal, where the day was commended as Gaudiya Vaishnava celebration. Be that as it may, there are a few fanciful stories behind the birthplaces of the celebration. The most famous one is identified with the killing of Holika. Mythology expresses that when Prahlad ignored the requests of Hrinyakashyap and continued petitioning God for Lord Vishnu, Hrinyakashyap took the assistance of her sister, Holika, to kill him. Holika took Prahlad in her lap and sat in a campfire as she had resistance against flame. Nonetheless, shockingly, Holika was singed alive while Prahlad was unaffected. Therefore, Holika Dahan is commended a day prior Holi.

Holi also celebrates the legend of Radha and Krishna which describes the extreme delight, Krishna took in applying colour on Radha and other gopis.

Here, I am sharing how to draw happy holi poster..
Have a look and enjoy..

Wishing you all Happy Holi in Advance..
Have ah happy and safe Holi..

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